Lip Blush
Create an enhanced & vibrant look with our natural lip coloring procedure.
Lip Blush creates…
A youthful appearance: A natural, vibrant color that matches your skin tone will be selected which helps to create a youthful look. A lipstick/lip tint color that you use or like can also be closely matched.
Color pigmentation: Color can be lost and lips can become thin as we age. When your lip blends in with your facial skin, the lack of definition can make your lips appear smaller. Also, sometimes lip filler can dull out the borders of our lips.
Symmetry: The way the tattoo is shaped is intentional. We can actually add the appearance of volume by creating a more plump center-full lip rather than a thin long lip. Slight asymmetry can also be fixed.
A “finished” look: This procedure aims to have you feeling confident about your lips every day without the hassle of makeup application. Wake up with a low-maintenance glow & walk out of the house ready to go.
Precare & Expectations:
Color consultation & Mapping out the treatment area.
Appointments will be around 4 hours. 1 follow-up appointment at 6 weeks is necessary and is included in the prices listed under “services”.
The beginning of each procedure can feel like a scratch on the skin. Numbing will be applied shortly after and throughout the duration of the procedure. The last 5 minutes are typically the only time you may experience discomfort.
Aftercare instructions are crucial in the healing of your tattoo. Healing will take around 3-5 Days. This may consist of wet flaking and color change.
Color boosts are recommended every 1-4 years following the initial procedure. Color will start to fade at this time and slightly shift in color.
PLEASE FOLLOW before each appointment:
Please have your lips very moisturized before the procedure. An exfoliating scrub (mix oil and sugar) 3 days and 1 day prior to the appointment is recommended). This will help to achieve the best results.
Avoid caffeine, alcohol and working out on day of appointment.
Botox & fillers in the facial area, must be done at least 30 days prior.
Skin must be free of irritations, burns, and acne, in the lip area.
Avoid blood thinners such as Ibuprofen, aspirin, Aleve, NSAIDS, vitamin E, fish oil or vitamins 48 hours before unless medically necessary (doctors note would be required).
If you have a history of cold sores you will need to take an anti-viral for 3 days before the procedure, the day of, and the day after. Cold sores can be triggered by stress or trauma to the lips & affect the healed results.
Please come prepared with a doctor’s note if you have a history of Diabetes, Hemophilia, Auto-Immune Diseases, Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis & Chemo within 6 months. YOU CANNOT BE TAKING ANTIBIOTICS.
If you have previous work, you MUST have a consultation prior to booking.
To book a consultation go to the “Book Now” button above.
After the procedure Aquaphor will be used 24/7. NEVER let your lips dry out. No kissing for 5 days.
· Keep the area dry for 1st week
· Apply extra Aquaphor when brushing teeth & when taking a shower to protect from the water
· Do not apply ICE or cold compress
· Do not use washcloth, pick or scratch tattooed area
· Do not use steam, sauna, swim for 10 days
· Do not put makeup on tattoo area for 10 days
· Be careful while eating, small bites
· Avoid the SUN for 1 week
Permanent makeup is NOT for everyone. Please read the contraindications. The procedure is not recommended for you if…
-You are a smoker (pigment may not retain, colors may distort)
-History of MRSA
-You have anemia, an auto-immune disorder, thyroid disease, or psoriasis in the area to be treated
-You are nursing or pregnant
-You have diabetes (Due to slow healing and infection)
Please note: Lip Blush results have everything to do with the condition and health of your skin. Results will not be the same for every person and may be altered on dry, textured, wrinkled, thick, sun-damaged, or scarred skin. Color matching and desired results can never be 100% predicted. The same color can heal slightly differently for everyone.